Areas of Expertise


California Sales Tax Leader

LEG is closing in on 200 sales tax enactments statewide for cities, counties and transportation agencies who need more revenue for quality of life services or essential transportation the public relies on.

Political Success

LEG believes political change happens at the grassroots local level and excels in electing progressives, women and people of color who champion working families, the environment, and change-making issues to elected office.

Excellent Service

LEG welcomes returning clients and selected high-impact candidates, measures and political action committees new to our organization.

Our Services

Here's how we can help you

Public Agency

The Lew Edwards Group is the California leader in successful sales tax measures and provides a full range of Ballot Measure Preparation and Informational Communications services for counties, cities, and special district measures of all types.


The Lew Edwards Group is a General Consultant providing Lead Political Consulting services for elected officials, political candidates, labor unions, school and library campaigns, and other political committees.


The Lew Edwards Group represents selected private sector, labor, conservation, nonprofit and community-based clients with grassroots advocacy campaign or coalition-building needs.