Category Archives: General

LEG is excited our team wrapped 2018 with 45 wins, with one East Bay race still too close to call the morning after! Thank you for the privilege of electing transformative leaders and improving our schools and communities.
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From top to bottom, know your ballot and make it count

Lew Edwards Group Principal & Co-founder Catherine Lew was selected to be one of just 60 top statewide leaders in politics, policy, and government to help shape the California 2018 election dialogue through the Sacramento Bee/McClatchy newspapers' #CAInfluencers project. See Catherine's Sac Bee OpEd on the trends and measures to watch for this November.
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LEG Turns 21!

Happy birthday to us! This month marks LEG’s 21st year providing winning election services across California. Thank you to our family of clients for continuing the fight for inclusive communities, good schools, and quality of life for all who we serve.
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